I get many patients that come in to my office with the incorrect perception regarding auto accidents. Once we start discussing their auto accident, these misconceptions come out. Here they are:
1) "The " insurance company said that I only get "X" amount of treatment. The insurance company has no idea what your condition is. Before you came into my office, I did not render a diagnosis, prognosis or treatment plan. Once we have a history, physical exam, laboratory tests (x-rays, MRI, CT Scans) we can give an accurate diagnosis, then determine what type of treatment is necessary, and the estimated time it will take to get better. No two people are treated the same, everyone is different. The insurance adjusters (the people you talk to on the phone from the insurance company from the person who struck you) will often downplay the severity of the injury TO TRY TO NOT PAY YOUR BILL. Some may try to persuade you to end the claim as quickly as possible because obviously, the longer you take to get better, the more they have to pay. So, the person on the end of the phone from the insurance company has no idea what kind of care you get, or how long of care you will need.
2) The amount of damage to your vehicle is equal to the amount of damage to your body. People can get injured at a low speed of only 3 miles per hour. Vehicles are made to collapse or crush under impact. The reason is when a vehicle gives in to the force from another car, the crushing/collapsing of a bumper or other part of the car displaces the force and directs it away from your body. When a low speed collision occurs, the vehicle does not crush under impact. The force of the impact goes through the occupants of the car. Combine this with underlying health conditions of the injured people in the vehicle, low speed crashes with minimal damage can be some of the worst accidents to be involved in. Which brings me to.....
3) Insurance companies will say that the people involved in the accident already have health issues, and that the auto accident was not the cause of the person's health condition. This is a false statement. Let me give you an example, if you are the driver of a vehicle that is at a stoplight and you are rear ended by another vehicle, if you have underlying health conditions like arthritis, disc bulges or even diabetes, your condition can be more severe than people without these conditions. A disc bulge can turn into a disc herniation with impact to the body. The condition was dormant, but the accident brought out symptoms that may never have given the person any pain. With proper diagnosis, correlating causality to bodily injury to functional loss, you now have a chain that takes the person from the time before the accident,
to the accident and post-accident. The only action that the involved party has to do is call Auto Accident Pain Relief Center of Illinois. If you have been in an car accident and are experiencing headaches, neck pain, whiplash, nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears, numbness and tingling in the arms or legs, shoulder pain, chest pain, knee and leg pain, and live in the Chicagoland area like Elmhurst, Villa Park, Lombard, Bensenville, Stone Park, Melrose Park, Northlake, Bellwood, Westchester, Oak Brook, Berkeley you can call us 24/7 at 800-862-5914.
