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3 Reasons you Need to See a Chiropractor After an Accident


Unsure who to see after an injury? Not getting relief from that muscle relaxant and pain reliever? If you haven't been to a chiropractor, now is your time. There are plenty of reasons to go to a chiropractor. Some chiropractors specialize in orthopedics, family practice, neurology and pediatrics. Searching out the right chiropractor for you can take some time. I'll tell you why you need to see us after you have been in a accident.

1) Chiropractors specialize in non-surgical, non-drug treatment for back pain. Drugs and surgery have their use in back pain but frequently people start with this treatment instead of conservative care. Drugs can have problems, you've probably heard about the opioid crisis in the news. These drugs are strong, effective and can be addictive. That is why doctors are less likely to prescribe these drugs. As a result, less addictive medication is given, but from what I have experienced, they are not effective in pain relief. The muscle relaxants can be helpful but patients usually complain that they make them tired. They usually take them at night to help them sleep after they have been in an accident. Chiropractic treatment for back pain is helpful because there is very little risk associated with treatment. Sometimes people say they feel sore after getting treatment. They describe it like you exercised, and your muscles are not accustomed to the workout.

2) Chiropractic gets to the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms. I get it, you're in pain, you have work to do, children and family life to be a part in, but you just want to be pain-free. That's why people decide to take medications. But the reason you have back pain is not because your body is deficient in a muscle relaxant and opioid, rather your back pain after an accident is usually due to stretching of connective tissue, locking up of vertebrae and swelling of underlying tissues. Chiropractors treat the whole body, and not just the symptoms. This allows the chiropractor to assess and treat the muscular system, vertebra (spine), ligamentous system and histology (inflammation). We accomplish this through a thorough examination which may include x-rays and MRI, blood testing, EEG (electroencephalogram) , NCV ( nerve conduction velocity), EMG (electromyogram), spinal manipulation, relaxation of muscles through electrical stimulation, stretching, massage, acupuncture and rehabilitation. These exam protocols and treatments have very little risk and are effective. They may not give you as immediate relief as an opioid but it is safer and longer lasting.

3) Lastly, if you are in an auto accident and are experiencing headaches, neck pain, low back pain, whiplash, muscle tightness, numbness and tingling in your arms and legs or spinal stenosis, you need to have a trauma qualified chiropractor work with you and your attorney. Treating you is one aspect of getting you well but knowing how to properly code the injuries, bill for the work and correctly write a narrative that the attorney can take from initial work up to the courtroom will help you get the treatment you need and the compensation you deserve. I correlate causality with bodily injury and bodily injury with functional loss. You can see my qualifications here :

If you have been injured in a automobile accident, call us 24/7 at 800-862-5914



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